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Pastor Adeboye: Daddy Freeze Disparaged, But Failed To Catch On

Daddy freeze is ensconced in shame. Most of his recent statements against the Church showed desperation – and frustration. He probably believed he could stoke schism in the body of Christ and was long on massive criticism, but all his efforts failed to catch on, leaving him and his band of wailers on the fringes.
Christianity is super important to Nigeria. There is an effect of genuine Christianity on behavior [Sanctification], optimism [Hope], motivation [Faith], commitment [Faithfulness], and purpose [Holy Spirit].

Christ is a purpose to live for, regardless of status, location, or situation. Christianity is another kind of health, another kind of education, another kind of nutrition, another kind of joy, another kind of purpose, and another kind of love.

Government has its responsibilities to citizens, but Christ through His Church cares for His people. There is nothing stopping Nigeria from becoming a prosperous nation – with all the Churches. If Nigeria is not prospering, it is not on any Church or Pastor.

Usually, façade works faster in Nigeria: looking the part, and optics. Appear rich, you are assumed rich. Ornament anything, and it is assumed quality. Involve packaging – little else is verified because packaging gets the pass.

Daddy freeze, who knows nothing about economics, would say that Church is responsible for poverty, and so many would cheer. He would insult the looks of others and call people halfwits, to the delight of his fans.

But poverty is caused by income, purchasing power [of that income], and conditions of living. Not Pastor, or Church, or taxes, or pension deductions, or whatever. Daddy freeze bears inaccurate economics, fake theology, parasitic fame, forced vocabularies and too many fabrications, yet, he’s the genius of the lives of many.

Daddy freeze would say true Churches are frauds. But how? People can go to Church anytime or leave anytime. People can be members or not be. Giving anything in Church can be done at any amount, or at no amount. Pastor can say anything, you can choose to believe, or reject.

What is wrong in hoping, and going to Church for Hope – through Faith? If, mostly, low income people would wager their incomes on sport outcomes, and some would go for local liquorto exudate
emptiness, what is wrong with belonging to the Christian Hope?

Often people believe that because of the wicked underdevelopment of Nigeria, all citizens should be about development: factories, jobs, energy prosperity, water supply, food, etc., OK. But why single out the Church as the only distraction [in their argument, but it is not a distraction] to development.

If Churches will stop so Nigeria can move forward, then entertainment will stop, sports will stop, corruption will stop, sham universities and projects will stop, hedonism will stop, stupid CSR will stop, unaccountable leaders will stop, misty services will stop, electricity cuts will stop, stupid news [hijacked mace, etc.] will stop, rigged election will stop, etc.

Their hate for Christianity is the reason to spotlight genuine Pastors and true Churches like the Church has equal responsibility as government. How about using their nominal critical thinking skills for solutions on several problems across Nigeria?

How about using their thoughtfulness on how things can get better with great ideas and submissions, not vague banal nonsense, rife across halls – and walls.

The stupid arguments against the Church from daddy freeze and others show that all of them are inconsequential, have nothing to offer and understand nothing about genuine Christianity.

One wrote that there was nowhere Christ asked for tithes, yet Churches expanded in the Epistles, OK. So if tithes were not mentioned, how did Churches grow, how did they get spaces, building, maintenance, and how did some of the Apostles get stuff required to go?

There’d have been members of the early Churches who were super givers, paying more than a tenth of their income to accelerate the gospel. But the Epistles did not say much on who gave what, or what the order of program was like, or how some of the Churches came to be.

Even in Revelation, Churches were measured on the metrics of Christ, not on giving. Though, in building, welfare, maintenance and expansion, giving would have played a great role. Apostle Paul appreciated the Church in Macedonia for their giving. The Church in Philippians also gave him gifts.

Daddy freeze would go any length to look for stupid information to discredit the Scriptures, or Christianity. He would also distort the Scriptures and his litters would hail that he knows the Bible. He doesn’t.

He said GOD destroyed Shiloh. But naming a program in RCCG, or Winners, as Shiloh, is symbolic of the miracle of Hannah, going every year and the place where the Word came and prayer against barrenness was answered – resulting in the mighty Prophet Samuel. That is what Shiloh is known for. It was remarkable in a great way, and it can be connected as a story of Faith in GOD.

Shiloh is not Sodom and Gomorrah. Shiloh is not Gehazi [the servant who didn’t do anything significant, but got a kickback that bore leprosy]. Shiloh is not Judas Iscariot [though he kept money, but failed]. Shiloh may be like Samson or Solomon or Gideon. They did not seem to have great ends, but they had so many strides in their lives. People are still named after them – connecting with their peak victories, in Faith.

There is so much to understand in the Scriptures through the Spirit of Truth. It is not a Holy Book to read to discredit. It is funny to argue about if Christ commanded tithes, when Christ told an individual to sell all, and give to the poor, and come and follow Him. Selling all, for someone who said he had kept the commandment from his youth up – which may have included tenth giving, is indicative that Christ looks beyond giving or living at that minimum, for those who want to abide in Him.

Nigeria has no electricity. Yet, what you hear everywhere is not serious matters or issues on how a nation can move forward. Distraction and a show of exposure are instead, primal. No great ideas, no great projects, no direct solutions at major problems, it is stupidity flushed agitations to nowhere.

Christianity is far more important to Nigeria than many acknowledge. There are developed nations around the world, with massive drug abuse problems, depression problems, anxiety, fear, emptiness and all kinds of disorders, etc. who wish they can have what can be called ‘Christ therapy’ in abundance, so even if some would continue heedlessly, the inviting hope of Christ can offer rest to many others.

There are so many mind problems that psychology, neuroscience, etc., have yet to answer. Still, no one would tarnish these subjects. But when people come to Hope of Glory in Christ Jesus, many times through His Church, or His Servant, all sorts will be pelted.

Remembering Jesus, He said in [Luke 13:16],“And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?”

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