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The Life Span Of That Kind Of Music - ETCSINES

            In our previous write-up, we were able to outline some basic fact about music that requires cramming and what type of music they are but we decided to leave a question unanswered and that question is what the lifespan of such kind of music is? Note, we would be answering this question and comparing it to a student who engages in cramming of notes whether for exam purposes or just for cramming sake.

            First off, when an individual takes in information; the longevity of such information is dependent on the use of such information and how relevant the information is based on time bound. They are another factor that contributes to these such as the intake of similar information that is of much greater value than the preceding information, the method in which the information was inputted and so on.

            When a rap music is being played or shown and the beat is of such that catches the audience attention or perhaps that audience has an interest in such kind of music, the first thing the brain does is to look for a way to grasp all the information not minding how fast the words are or how slow they are. If the brains fail in this attempt, there is a deliberate effort by the individual to use the brain one more time to gain the information through any means. One of such means is called cramming, by the time the brain as succeeded in doing a very nice job of retaining the information, the individual involved then proceed in singing the song word for word without missing any line.

Here is the breathtaking situation, the moment the purpose of knowing the song is achieved and another song of equal relevance comes knocking, the brain automatically discard the song earlier learned, which renders the song of no more value. This simply means that the song has no value to give in future so far there is a higher standard of song that beats the earlier crammed song. Such is the life pattern of a student who engages in cramming, the most painful part of this is that the information been crammed by this student is not like the song that fades away when higher information comes into play, as a matter of fact, the next information that comes into the brain of the student is a subset of the earlier information and without the full comprehension and retention of the preceding one, the student is at lost.

Also, the information been rendered has future relevance, but when it is been crammed, the power therein cannot be harnessed to solve or proffer solution to a problem that might show up in future. This is the reason why we advise the student not to cram but rather take reading seriously as every information gathered in school is important because you never can tell when it would be needed and most useful.

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