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Music As A Career In Which Reading As Pioneer - ETCSINES

Beautiful morning to you all, it’s time to share some truth with you guys as regards what we are still on, sooner or later we would rapping it up on this campaign and we strongly believe that it has not been a waste of time. This week, we will be looking at a very simple topic; it is the continuation of our lead topic this month. We have been considering the career in which reading has a pioneer and we have discussed writing last week, but this week we would be taking a look at another career that seems to be one of the most trending careers in our generation. It is no other than Music.

It would be expedient to define music; Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. In general definitions of music will include common elements such as pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. The question that would resonate from the mind of our readers is what is the relationship between reading and music? We will answer this question in our subsequent write-ups, in this write-up; we are on set on giving you facts about music and its importance to the society and why we think it is a career in which reading as a pioneer.

According to statistics, the recorded music industry is worth more than US$130 billion globally. Let’s reason this together, if this industry is worth this much, then it is a good choice of career. How does music starts? A lot of opinions might come in handy here, while some set of people says it starts from the soul other says it starts from things that surround you and all of that. One thing we want our readers to take home today is that no matter the music or no matter what genre of music it might, the first place it starts from is from the individual thought pattern and that thought pattern can only be engineered if you are a good reader. It is important to let you know that you tell a story through the music you make and what determines the importance of that message or story is when your thinking is properly channeled through reading.

There is more to come on this topic, we would urge to stay tuned as we explore this career called music and by the time we are through, you have a course to stick to reading and debunk cramming.

I Remain Timileyin Oni
I Strongly Believe in Reading

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