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How Cramming Has Shortchanged Future Writers - ETCSINES

            We believe that if you have been following this campaign ever since it began, you would agree with us that there is no benefit for cramming and besides it has caused more harm than good to the academic system. Today we would be considering how cramming has short-changed future writers.

            The first thing to consider is the mental capacity of each student when it comes to cramming, over time we have learned that a human being has about six billion cell in his brain and the function of those cells is to stimulate activities that occur in the body. One such activity is “Thinking”. As a writer, one of the advantages you have than your other colleagues who are in other career is your ability to be able to turn your thought into words. This is a very powerful gift God has bestowed on every mankind, but our ability to harness it makes us who we are today. Your thought process needs to be trained in line with your chosen career, this is the sole reason why we go to school to get educated, so that our thought would be formed in one particular direction and we will contribute to the society through the effective use of them and create long-lasting solution to the country or anywhere we find ourselves.   

            As a student, when you read you form a thinking pattern that enables you to be able not only communicate the right answers to the question when asked but to retain relevant information on what you have read in order for you to add to your gap of knowledge. But if a student at such an early stage do not engage in reading and opt for cramming? Here is what is going to happen, the mind begins to lose relevant information and overtime when there is the need for such students to proffer solution to answer through writing in the society, such students are nowhere to be found. Unconsciously and consciously, that student kills or terminated his advantage to the society at an early stage. This is one of the problems we are facing in our society today, people that ought to proffer solution to problems are nowhere to be found because they haven’t developed their mind through reading.

I Remain Timileyin Oni
Say No To Cramming

I Support Etcsines

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