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Examining the Mindset and Belief of Teachers Towards Cramming in Nigeria - ETCSINES

This is a vital issue of immense significance. It is needful for us to table it for evaluation and re-evaluation. The word, ‘mindset’ is very powerful a term that needs a critical and comprehensive examination. This is the root of every activity that occurs in reality. Yes, what is the teacher’s ‘mindset’ to cramming?

I want to establish a fact that until we change the mindset of cramming, we cannot change the act of cramming. There as to, first and foremost, be a change in the mindset, which is the belief system before you definitely affect the change in the activity. This one thing we must learn and know.

This is a clarion call to teachers and higher institutions’ lecturers who expect the students to always “give back” what has been given to them in class. Cramming is the resultant effect because they have to pass. Secondly, the goal of teaching is understanding. If teachers teach without trying to ascertain whether the students understand what was taught, it will result in cramming. Understanding is key, and it must be pursued.

By Daniel Owa-George

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