Cultism! I'll define cultism as an institution, establishment or clique that is generally reasoned to be unconventional, irregular or false.
How can parents curb cultism?
Charity begins at home! Manners and morals are learnt from home by the parents, parents should create a suitable relationship with the children so that they can learn to confide in them. Above all show and express love to the children, be a mentor that the children can look up to. Be the example you teach.
How can the government curb cultism?
The government also has a big role to play, as they should enforce good morals to citizens, and give due and severe punishment to offenders thereby creating fear in the minds of aspiring cultists. Just as the parents oversee the affairs of the children, the government oversees the affairs of the occurrences in the particular geographical area they govern being guided by laws and principles.
How can the society curb cultism?
The children grow up in the society, so the society should also be well guided by rules as youths can be very deceiving.
It all starts from the home, parents should train and teach their children in the right path.
Writer: Pamilerin Eniolorunda
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