The main reason why some people do what they do is because there is an external force trying to push or pull them to act. Many right and wrong decision has been made due to this major factor. Come to think of it, can man ever be free from this? I believe you will be wondering what I am trying to drive at, it is very simple but complicated factor, it’s something you all know and has been part of our existence right from the creation of time.
History records that the first man fell due to this factor. What exactly is the factor? It is called Pressure. Human being cut across different facet of life are one way or the other victims of this, we are faced with pressure from parent, loved ones, friends, family, employers and so on. One thing is certain, it is either you succumb to pressure or you overcome it. Your disposition when faced with any kind of pressure matters a lot.
This week on Etcsines, we will be discussing what we term “Peer Pressure”. A quick reminder here, we are pretty aware that we have been considering a major theme that has to do with the educational sector. For case of emphasis, the theme is “Social ills that hinders reading and encourages cramming”. Our second topic on this theme is peer pressure.
In this topic, we will examine some major key point which is what is peer pressure? How has it affected reading? How has it encourage cramming? And so on. Our writers are set to give you relevant information that will help you understanding this concept and help students, parents and the educational bodies something to work upon. Hence, these give them something to work upon and help in eradicating the cramming system in Nigeria educational sector.
I Remain Timileyin Oni “God’s Intellectual”
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