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Are You Single And You Want To Celebrate Valentine? Read This...

Are You Single And You Want To Celebrate Valentine? Read This...

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There isn't anything bad in been single. Follow these ways to enjoy the day. 

1. Spoil yourself: Make Valentine’s Day a day to spoil yourself. Buy yourself chocolate, order pizza, eat ice cream, and rent your favorite movie. Just relax and be happy.

2. Celebrate Yourself: Go to the clubs, a concert, do something spontaneous with your single friends. Have a Singles Party where everyone can cheer and enjoy their singlehood.

3. Buy yourself a gift: That purse you’ve been wanting, or those shoes you’ve had your eyes on, go and buy it. The book you saved in your Amazon account, or that video game that you dream of playing, now is the time to buy it. You will be so busy being excited about your new purchase that you won’t even notice all the insanity about Valentine’s Day. You have something to celebrate for and look forward to as well.

4. Get a new make-over: Change your hair color, get a new haircut. Do your nails. Go to the spa. Pamper yourself. Make yourself better with yourself. Go to the gym, run an extra mile. Read your favorite books, or start on that home project that you’ve been putting aside. Whatever makes you feel rejuvenated go for it.

5. Re-evaluate your goals: Remind yourself why you are still single. Don’t fall under the pressure or let someone tell you how to live your life. If you’re not ready for a relationship, that’s your choice. Whether you had a bad break up recently or two years ago or whether dating isn’t really your thing, you shouldn’t have to explain yourself. Nowadays, arguably, being in a relationship is more important than actually wanting to be in one. As soon as one relationship ends, the impetus is oftentimes to start another. It seems that people cannot stand one minute just being single or alone. It is not healthy to live in fear of loneliness, and using relationships to get rid of loneliness will only leave a person even more alone than they were before. There is so much exploration that a person should do before settling down. Why tie yourself down just for the norms of society? Think of your accomplishments and where you still need to go. Being in a relationship is time and commitment, and you should be able to enjoy it when you are ready for it, not when someone tells you.

6. The weather: For those that live in the northern states or even western states, any state that has snow pouring every minute, most likely people will be staying home. I can see from my window it looks like I am in a snow globe because this winter has been unreal. There are already 3 ft to 4ft snow on the ground from previous snowfalls from the past weeks. At the moment, we’re bracing for another big one. Any plans anyone had are most likely canceled.

7. It is a day of love: Valentine’s Day is not just for couples to share their love; it’s for everyone to share the love. You can spend time with your best friend, and show how much you love him or her. You can have Valentine’s Day with your mother or father or even your grandparents. Have Valentine’s Day with your pets. It is a day to express love after all. Love is beautiful and it will make your day and life so much more to show your love for someone.

8. Help those in need: Another way to show your love is helping those in need. Maybe you can donate your old clothes to a homeless shelter. Volunteer at a hospital. Send valentines cards to a local children’s hospital or decorate cards with the children there. Volunteer at a senior home and create a change in someone’s life just by being a friend a companion. Adopt a cat or a dog. It just might change your life and you will find more meaning and value of yourself. Life is more worthwhile when you are able to make a difference in someone else’s life just by simply being in their life. 

9. Try something new: Do something that you have never done before. Of course, hopefully, this is legal and not dangerous. But try something new. Maybe go for Indian food for a change, or that Korean takeout place you’ve been meaning to try. You could take a cooking class. Try ice skating especially in this weather is a perfect time to learn. You can learn to sew or try a new sport. Try a new color of lipstick for a change. Do something that is out of your comfort zone. Maybe try to eat a healthy meal. If you have not exercised in awhile maybe today you can change that. If you’ve always wanted to channel your inner artist, now could be the time to set up that easel. The options are endless. 

These are some additional tips to follow:

10. Buy yourself chocolate: Why should an awesome single person like yourself go the day without chocolate? All the couples are eating it, so why can't you? Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to buy it! Chocolate is always there for you; you can't say the same thing about a significant other. So go ahead, treat yourself to that Godiva. You don't need anyone to buy it for you.

11. Invite your single friends over: Since you don't have a significant other to spend the day with, invite all your single friends over! They're all feeling the same way as you are, so why not celebrate the day together? Don't waste the day moping around because you're single when you can have an amazing day with your friends. Settle in with some wine and watch a chick flick or crack open a beer and play video games, as long as you're having fun with your friends, you don't need to worry about a relationship.

12. Spend the day doing what you love the most: Valentine's Day is about love, right? You don't need someone to love, so spend the day doing what you love to do. Cook, draw, write, exercise, call your parents, anything! You don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to experience love.

13. Go out: If there's one happening near you, go out to a singles mixer. Odds are a popular club or bar is having a singles night, so why not go and have fun? You can still get dressed up and go out, plus you'll be having a good time while meeting new people!

14. Don't forget to love yourself: Valentine's Day can make a lot of single people unhappy. I get it, it's nice to have somebody there to love you. But the most important thing to know is to love yourself. A boyfriend or girlfriend won't always be there, but you have yourself for the rest of your life! Don't forget to treat yourself right. 

Always remind yourself that you're an amazing person, and in the words of Snow White, someday your prince/ss will come. 

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