See previous thread here>>> Counsellor Lutterodt: "Man Who Fails To Give His Woman Orgasm Will Go To Hell"
Veteran Nigerian actor and Politician, Desmond Elliot has slammed the controversial Counsellor Luterodt on some immoral speech he made at a Christian gathering in Accra just recently.
Counsellor Lutterodt delivered a short sermon and as usual spoke about his $£x and orgasm conference.Lutterdot said orgasm was very important not only during Sex but also in the worship of God.
According to him, anyone who faced challenges in their $£xual life was bound to face challenges is his spiritual life because they two were connected. Lutterdot reportedly added that the process of worshiping was the same process one goes through, demonstrating his speech by touching his body on stage.
Well, just after his preaching, Desmond Elliot took over the microphone.
However, Desmond Elliot felt Lutterdot had gone below the belt with his speech, and called him to order.The actor who seems to be offended by the way and place Lutterodt made his speech felt it was unacceptable.
He lamented that the platform to worship God together as a movie and music stars was not appropriate for the controversial counselor to make such immoral speech.
The top Nigerian actor said he was never aware of the $£xual claims Lutterodt was making, stressing that there would be trouble in West Africa if there were ever two of his kind.
“Counselor, those words that were coming from your mouth, I’m not lying to you but I have never heard it before. I have never heard them anywhere in my life,how can you confidently talk about orgasm in the presence of the lord,”
Desmond Elliot said.
“We can only have one of your type in West Africa. Honestly, if we had two, there would be trouble,please don’t bring your orgasm program to Nigeria oh” he added.
While Desmond complained, Lutterdot stood watching him and intermittently managed to smile showing that he had indeed ‘met his meter’.
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