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Reading The Bedrock Of Writing: An Essential Part Of Music - ETCSINES

            You begin to ask yourself what is the most important aspect of any music, some would say the voice, Solid Song Structures, Good Chord Progressions, Touching Lyrics, Cool Band Arrangements, but a true music legend would tell you that it is the “Melody” that makes a difference because when you get that right other factor falls into place. If the melody of a song is that important then the question you ask is how do you construct the melody? The answer is not far-fetched. It is called Writing.

            In view of the above mention, it brings us to our last topic for the week, why is so important in the construction of a melody or in music at large? Well because writing is the bedrock of anything you want to do in music. But something gave birth to writing and that is called reading. Reading is the complex cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning. Reading is a means for language acquisition, communication, and sharing information and ideas. Take Reading serious and you enjoy the fruit of it.

I Remain Timileyin Oni
I Love Reading

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