In order for us to consider this topic, they are various terms that need to be explained and they are stated below.
What is a learning environment?
A learning environment is an environment where lessons, morals and values are taught to students. It has been noticed over the decades the effect of the school/ learning environment on students. It has also been seen, that schools have ways to potentially lift the achievement of students by improving their learning environment. The effects of the school environments can be classified under two general terms, which are (i) positive terms, (ii) negative terms.
Positive Terms
Research shows that students do better when they learn in a positive conducive environment. In the 21st century, the positive influence of the school environment cannot be overemphasized. Conversely, nothing influences the development of a student in this technology-driven world, the school/learning environment. In this technology-driven world/century, findings show that students who learn in a positive environment effectively receive proper lecturing.
It has been noted that when speaking of the positive influence regarding the school environment on students, researchers considered some variables when measuring its effect they include:
· leadership and professional development:
Students, as it’s said, are the leaders of tomorrow. A school with a very good and conducive environment helps to groom students to be better leaders in the latter days of their lives, they also help them in improving in their carrier choice, there as creating proper awareness for the student in the school. The students tend to learn from their teachers most especially the head of the school on how to behave as good leaders.
· Academic success:
To enhance greater and high level of academic standards, a good school environment is essential. A school with a standard library, well-spaced reading room and other good equipment with various labs would enhance academic success. For instance, a student taking a test in a quiet peaceful room or studying in a peaceful room would be able to achieve proper success, due to the fact that he would be able to retain and also meditate on his past studying this would then lead to great results.
· Creates competition:
A good learning/ school environment creates healthy competition amongst student due to the presence of the right infrastructure, equipment, facilities that would help the students study hard, and then create an inter-class competition between themselves to see who would be the best.
· Positive thinking:
A good school environment aids positive thinking among the students; there would be no case of depression and no case of low self-esteem of any form.
· Enhance good communication:
A good school environment enhances positive communication, between students and their teachers, whereby there would be room for proper presentation of views without any form of frustration from either party.
Other variable noted includes;
v It enhances good morals
v Creates better standards
v Aids proper concentration skills
v Allows creativity
v Enhances proper talent build up e.t.c
Negative Terms
A school/ learning environment also have negative effects on the students. This effect results as a result of the ills of the environment. It is more like the opposite of the positive terms of the environment, they include;
Reduction of academic standard:
A bad school environment reduces the academic standard of the student, it can arise as a result of the reluctance of the teachers to teach the students, due to the lack of proper teaching aids, to aid the effective teaching/ learning process.
§ Creation of lazy students
§ Aids unruly behaviour:
If a school has poor building structures, which is not conducive for learning and other educational activities, it aids unruly behaviour in the sense that the students could become hooligans, thieves, drug addicts e.t.c
writer: Ibitoye Olanike
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