Which Is Preferable? Learning To Make Impact Or Learning To Impart? - ETCSINES
I would like to go straight to answering the question posed by the topic. My answer is “NO”. There shouldn’t be a preference between making impact and imparting on others because they both should be very important to a reader.
Imparting falls under making impact because when you impart knowledge gained to others you automatically make an impact in their lives. There are different impacts that can be made both in the life of the reader and in the life of the person he or she is imparting knowledge on. I’ll list some of these impacts that can be made:
Improvement of vocabulary: Reading often helps people improve the way they speak and express themselves.
Improvement of critical thinking skills: Reading broadens a person’s perspective of different matters. Increase of knowledge base of the reader.
I can only mention a few of these impacts, there are so many of them but it is important to note that reading and imparting the knowledge gained from reading on others makes an impact on both the reader and the people he or she imparts the knowledge to.
There isn’t much of an argument about this; it is just for us to know that none should be preferable. Both of them are equally important.
Read for impact
Read to impart
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