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Is Short-Cut A Widely Accepted Ideology By Student? - ETCSINES

Is Short-Cut A Widely Accepted Ideology By Student? - ETCSINES

Judging by the reaction of students when given opportunity to pour out their minds concerning the academic sector in Nigeria, you will agree with me that; we all have a story to tell.

Everyone have been faced with a situation in which they needed to cut corners, make things quick and fast, not putting into cognizant the right way it should be done or not applying the procedure rightly. When a science student is asked to make use of chemical, they are certain procedure that guide it, anything done out of the normal guideline may result into an explosion. This shows us the need for us to do things in the proper way.

For instance, when you asked a student who has written Jamb fives time and have not gain admission to pay Some certain some of money to apply for a special center, it takes the moral uprightness of such student not to fall for such. If the students refuse, friends and family might want to persuade because they believe that is the only option left, which is not so.

As Students, which should be mindful of what we accept as the right way or manner of doing things, anything not proven or tested over time should be taken hook, line and sinker. It is expedient for us to go for more knowledge so that we can be able to discern which is the right way or the Short Cut.

Writer: Timilehin Oni 

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