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How To Make Your Book Your Friend - ETCSINES

How To Make Your Book Your Friend - ETCSINES

The definition of the word Friend is all that is needed to solve this puzzle like topic. A deep understanding of what it means to have a friend will help to make the topic more comprehensive. 

Just like we try to make friends with humans and animals,  so it is like with our books. Let's look critically at making friend with a dog,at the beginning of the journey the dog might not trust you enough but it knows you are trying to come close and be its friend, with persistence and continuos relentless effort,  the dog trusts you enough to stroke it's ears and neck, from there if you keep trying,  it trusts you enough to dish its food. But before a dog  will start following you out and taking strolls with you, it must have trusted you with its life.

Now,  the same thing is applicable to our books,  if you want to have relevant information about your course of study or a particular subject at your fingertips,  you must have read your books to a particular stage where it comes to defend you when you need it the most. 

A book that you pick up to read once in a month and you expect it to defend you in answering questions in public, it will only be coming and going like a river flowing back and forth,  that is where you see students doing "errm errm errm" they opened the book but it's not a part of them yet. 

The students that make their books their friends are the ones they clap for in class while the ones that just open once in a month are the ones that are asked to sit down and are always laughed at. 

I hate people laughing at me so I will make my book my "BESTIE". 

The ball is in your court.

Omolola Adeboye Adekunle 
B.Sc Mass Communication

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