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What Impact Has What You Are Studying Made In Your Life? - ETCSINES

What impact has what you are studying made in your life? - ETCSINES

How well has your course influenced you? 
What would be the need for studying, if it doesn't create a better you? 
How strongly has your course moved you? 
What would be the encroachment of obtaining knowledge, if you are just studying for fun? 

What possible difference has your path in the choice of study made to your life? 
Would the turmoil, headache and sighs become relevant, if striving goes in vain? 
Does your course make you want to hide? 
Does it make you want to be seen?
If your choice of course study wasn't motivation driven, then how well does it affect you?

These are questions that roam in my thoughts. The thoughts of being impacted, the thoughts of being strongly influenced, the thoughts of taking the right path, the thoughts of wanting to be seen, the thoughts of of being better than the best I could, the thoughts of being impacted with the best knowledge, the thoughts of not just striving in vain. This are questions that you should also ask yourself and give sincere answers, the only person that cannot deceive you is YOU. 

If your course of study doesn't impact in you, then what will be the use of all the knowledge you acquire and time spent?

Writer: Eniolorunda Oluwapamilerinayo (waye_Pam)

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