Benefit Of Having Reading As A Priority - ETCSINES

Setting a priority can be one of the most difficult decisions to make in one's life, but once you set it and you get it right, you never have regrets. Reading shouldn't be an optional part of our lives, we should make it part and parcel of us.
I remember growing up, every child in the house had at least 2 hours to himself to look at his book whether you are reading or not, that particular time is for book and nothing else. That was our parents trying to make reading a part of us and a priority. They probably were doing it because of the money they were paying(school fees) but trust me, that daily exercise went a long way in building us. It built us to see reading as a necessity, it helped us to see reading as a normal way of life.
I enjoyed some specific benefits making reading my priority, and they are still part of me till now cos I have inculcated it as a habit. I discovered that my brain capacity increased when I started reading frequently, I no longer need to read my eyes out when it's just 1 week to my exams, there was this special confidence whenever I hold my pen, and I was never ashamed to answer any question in class whether I was sure of the answer or not.
There is power in knowledge, and the only address to that knowledge is *No 1 reading avenue opposite consistence junction along determination road, assimilation Bus-stop, Education State.
I choose to set reading as a priority and benefit from it. What about you?
Omolola Adeboye Adekunle (B.Sc Mass Communication)
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