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America at war with herself

BATON ROUGE, LA -JULY 09: Baton Rouge police rush the crowd of protesters and start making arrest on July 9, 2016 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Alton Sterling was shot by a police officer in front of the Triple S Food Mart in Baton Rouge on July 5th, leading the Department of Justice to open a civil rights investigation. Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images/AFP MARK WALLHEISER / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP
The United States (U.S.) is currently in a state of unprecedented turmoil and terrible siege never witnessed in the history of the country. Indeed America has never had it so bad since the dark era of civil right upheavals in the mid-60s.
The recent mindless shootings, and killings of hapless African-American citizens by trigger-happy white police officers portrayed America as a lawless society with no regard for the sanctity of human life.

And to further compound the ugly situation in the U.S. was the most recent shooting of innocent American citizens by allegedly mentally deranged elements suspected to be inspired by a terrorist ideology.
The most chilling and disturbing incident which occurred recently was the shooting and killing of 49 innocent people in a popular Gay night club in Orlando in the State of Florida by a lone gun man.
President Obama while condemning the horrendous attack renewed his call for urgent review of the legislation on gun control in the U.S.
It is regrettable and worrisome to observe, however, that the United State generally acclaimed as the bastion and champion of democracy and freedom in the world could be in this terrible quagmire where almost on a daily basis incidents of violent attack on innocent citizens occur across the country. America is equally regarded as a civilised nation with enormous economic and military powers which place her on a unique position to defend the vulnerable and oppressed people across the globe.
Paradoxically, the U.S. appears incapable of defending her own citizens against gross injustice and flagrant abuse of human rights of the African American citizens as well as other minority groups. American blacks have continued to bear the brunt of institutionalised racial discrimination and segregation deliberately aimed at perpetually holding them down in their own country. The inglorious past of African Americans as descendants of former African slaves has always exposed them to gross social injustice and inequality of unimaginable proportions.
It is pertinent to mention, however, that by the obvious failure of the American government to adequately protect the lives and property of her own citizens, it stands to reason that the U.S. has lost the moral authority to condemn or even point accusing fingers at other nations who have continually violated the human rights of their citizens.
There seems to be a general sense of insecurity and despondency on the part of the African American citizens owing to the failure of the state apparatus to protect them.
It is instructive to mention, however, that President Barack Obama, his good intentions notwithstanding, can do little or nothing to change, the status quo in the pathetic situation of African Americans’ since he lacks the capacity and political will to effect any meaningful changes.
Americans should, therefore, immediately engage themselves in soul-searching and sober reflection to enable them overcome the present catastrophe that has befallen their great nation. Urgent and decisive action should be taken by the U.S. Congress to review and regulate the outdated and archaic legislation which gave all Americans the right under the so-called Bill of Rights to own and carry all sorts of guns including sophisticated assault rifles for their personal security.
This state of affairs obviously has become counter-productive as Americans generally are now living in constant fear and uncertainty, not fear from outside their borders but fear from within. The forthcoming Presidential election in the U.S. certainly offers the Americans a rare opportunity to chart a new course for their nation.
The next President of the United States must be a person who thoroughly understands the dynamics of global politics which today places more emphasis on global peace, mutual respect and understanding among all nations as opposed to the arrogant exhibition of military might and intimidation of weaker nations.
• Nze Nwabueze Akabogu (JP) is a public affairs commentator and analyst. He wrote from Enugwu-Ukwu, Anambra State.

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